Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dog park

Ava has been to the dog park and gets along with other dogs although she plays rough.  This time at the dog park she was very anti social as the picture above shows her watching the other dogs.  I am scared she is fulfilling the prophecy given to Shiba Inus.  They become very anti social the older they get especially around other dogs.  She loves people but dogs seem to be going a slow downward spiral to dislike.  Hope this isn't the case, I'm blaming it on the wet ground as we had storms the last couple of days- (in denial).

Sam and Ava

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ava at the pool.

Fact: Ava hates the water.  Any form of water.  Rain, Puddles, Hose and of course pool water.

Despite this fact, a trip to the pool was in order.

All she wants to do when she is put in the water is swim to the edge.

Right before she shakes off the water.

Sam and Ava

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

The time Ava liked to....

There was a time when Ava liked to go under the bed and just lay there with the dust bunnies and all.  She would even sometimes run under the bed and repeat. 

Sam and Ava

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Face of an angel

This is by far my favorite look of Ava's.  We call it "the vampire" look.  It's a look that use to scare me but most of the time she's very happy when she shows it. 
I think she's getting a belly rub from my sister, her frenemy.  More on that topic to come.
Sam and Ava

Friday, June 20, 2014

Another "friend" loses an eye

I was doing something on my computer when I looked down to see Ava sitting with her hedgehog Prickles (Her 2nd by the way.  The first departed long ago with both eyes gone).  Well unfortunately for Prickles, he too has lost an eye but just the one so he can be saved.

Warning: do not buy toys made for children for your pets.

Sam and Ava

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Meet Ava

So my mom suggested I make this blog about my dog Ava and I decided why not.  Just who is Ava?  She is my 1 year and 6 month old Shiba Inu puppy/dog.  Her birthday is on Christmas Eve.  When my bf and I went to get her for the very first time, we got to the door and when it was opened, she was there trying to run away.  First sign of rebelliousness.  I fell in love with the breed babysitting my sister's friend's friend's Shiba Inu.  It was a total surprise to get her and while it's been tough raising her, I wouldn't trade her for anything.  She is a definite Shiba Inu- cat like, shiba 500, shiba scream, etc.  You name it she has all the qualities.  She is a cuddler but on her terms only. 

And here she is....

I hope to be able to share stories of the past and also present/future funny stories along the way.  She is a character and I want to be able to share her with you.

Sam and Ava